System Properties Software page



  1. TreeView: list assorted software settings taken from Registry
  2. "Config" CheckBox: enable/disable "Config" information in list, and refresh displayed information
  3. "Classes" CheckBox: enable/disable "Classes" information in list, and refresh displayed information
  4. "DLLs" CheckBox: enable/disable "DLL" information in list, and refresh displayed information
  5. "Bad" CheckBox: enable/disable "Config" information in list, and refresh displayed information
  6. Levels of Recursion Group Box: selects how many levels deep the TreeView is to display; the more information, the longer it takes. 1 is often useful; 2 is useful for "Software" keys; default at 0; refreshes displayed information immediately!
  7. "Print" button:
  8. "Find" button: finds first matching value starting from selected tree node
  9. "Print" button: prints TreeView in its current state; expand/contract items to enable/disable printing - complete list may be very long!
  10. "Copy" button: copies seelcted item to ClipBoard - useful if the item is a path to view/run
  11. "UnInstall" button: enabled only when UnInstall key is selected on an UninstallString item, permits uninstalling software like the standard Install Applications Windows Control Panel applet
  12. Apply button: refresh displayed information